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'' Not as Pristine as You are led to Believe ''


Written by Osteopathic Solutions Director Gareth Milner BSc. (Hons) Ost.

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About the Author Gareth Milner
00:00 / 02:19
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In Part 3 of ‘NOT as Pristine as YOU are Led to Believe’ we will be continuing our journey together observing the lies and fabrications of the Pristine Condition Marketing Machine.


AI …. are you getting sick of hearing about it? It’s a bit like GDPR for me. Possibly even … COVID-19.

And now Pristine jump on the AI Bandwagon. Here is what they say about their ‘cutting-edge Next-Gen AI App.’

''Discover the Future of Anatomical Intelligence with Pristine AI. Transform your workplace safety practices with Pristine AI, Pristine Condition's cutting-edge Next-Gen AI App. Our platform offers instant monitoring and analysis of ergonomic tasks, integrating scientifically validated techniques for optimal results. Experience the power of Pristine AI and take your safety standards to new heights. Register your interest today to learn more!''

As proven in the biomechanical disasters of Manual Handling technique they negligently indoctrinate (a reminder of the pushing practice below which stimulated this '27 Years in the waiting' Blog series), it is more like Anatomical Incompetence.

In Part 2, your awareness was raised for the blatant lack of evidence in their ‘Scientifically validated techniques.’

‘Pristine AI revolutionises workplace safety by offering cutting-edge AI technology for instant monitoring and analysis of ergonomic tasks.’

In my UK travels over the last 5 years, I have been told by many who have received the Pristinus Neurological Disorder (PND) antidote (before reading Parts 1-5 of this shockingly insightful Blog) that Pristine Condition's Manual Handling Risk Assessment Reports were … frankly useless. Informing the Company what their Manual Handling tasks were. What specifics there were about the tasks.

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Many Health & Safety Professionals fully injected with the antidote, said to me that their reports lacked any achievable Musculoskeletal Disorder (MSD) Risk Reduction Solutions. Hence (from much UK intelligence*) Pristine Condition don’t provide this ‘hand-in-hand with Manual Handling Training’ service.

There you heard it. The self-proclaimed ‘World Leaders’ in Manual Handling don’t provide Manual Handling & Ergonomic Risk Assessments and their subsequent MSD Risk Reduction Reports. Why not?

I offer this answer … because they are Cowboys not ‘staying in their lane’ teaching biomechanically negligent Manual Handling ‘techniques.’ Harsh … but true.

*Download Essay 16 - Gather Hardcore Intelligence from Sorry! We’re Closed by clicking the Book image to the left.

With ZERO Biomechanics or Ergonomics Degree Level Qualifications attained by any of their Team, this Anatomical Incompetence App is marketed as ‘analysing ergonomic movement.’

The Concorde Analogy

I recently watched a brilliant documentary on the development of the Concorde in the 1960s. If you don’t know it started with a Britain and France collaboration. At the same time the USA and Russia were fighting to win the race for the World’s first scheduled supersonic passenger service.


Concorde had some of the World’s very best Engineers, and with the support of the myriad of Marketers involved in the project, including British Government with Politicians like Michael Heseltine, the project was a success. The plane was a phenomenon.


Russia’s offering, The Tupolev Tu-144 was the first supersonic transport to enter service and the first to leave it. Only 55 passenger flights were carried out before service ended due to safety concerns. A small number of cargo and test flights were also carried out after its retirement. Because of insufficient Experts, the project, and the plane crashed and burned.*

The Pristine cutting-edge Next-Gen AI App. There may be App Experts working behind the scenes, but what about Anatomical subject Experts? … there are none.


Just like The Tupolev Tu-144, the Pristine Anatomical Incompetence App is designed to crash and burn.


*Sadly literally.

The Ugliest, The Ugly and The Bad of

Pristine Condition

A reminder of the shocking practices Davy Snowdon and his Army Troops spread like COVID-19 across the UK.

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The damning evidence of their biomechanical and musculoskeletal negligence is there for ALL to see.


No 'unprecedented results' ... 'buy-in' ... 'our Scientifically proven techniques' et cetera Pristine Condition and Davy Snowdon Majorly (full of) Bullshit Ego PR, Sales and Marketing bullshit ... and it is bullshit, can be used to defend such blind Manual Handling .... IGNORANCE.

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'His wide knowledge of applied anatomy, kinetics and exercise physiology' by John Lear. Total bullshit. It appears John was suffering from DND ... Davy Neurological Disorder.

Ask any Osteopath, Chiropractor, Physiotherapist and Orthopaedic Surgeon World Wide, the Professionals who clinically treat Musculoskeletal Disorders and they would laugh in the face of Davy Snowdon* Major Biomechanical Errors when he says ....


'Wor lad. Our techniques are scientifically purely belta. Howay Man.

We are World Claaaass!'

*And that's not because of his accent and use of the English language.

We have looked at the basic biomechanics of these negligent body positions when manually handling these loads. If you need a reminder here is Part 1.


With these physically painful practices in mind I remind you one of their most favourite marketing phrases …

‘Manual Handling Training that guarantees results.’

Here this simply disrespects your intelligence as nobody can guarantee anything.

‘For the first time ever*, Pristine Condition have introduced the science** of Olympic weightlifting techniques

to industry and brought with it some unprecedented results.‘

*Yet more arrogance. The World is a big place.

**There is no science, Just brute force.

A reminder of Olympic weightlifting techniques demonstrated by Davy himself. He certainly was strong. Give him that.


Go practice The Clean & Jerk after work today and see how you feel at the end of it. You might have unprecedented amounts of pain. Here are X-rays of end-stage* Spinal Stenosis and end-stage* Osteoarthritis of the knee. Horrible levels of pain, every minute of every day that you are awake. Davy endorsed.

*End-stage means Orthopaedic cutting and replacing equipment time, and narcotic pain killer time what with all their side effects. Just watch American TV Adverts.

The Ugliest – performed by Davy himself

In Part 1 we saw the spectacular pushing practice Pristine Condition horrifically teach. I tell you, for those Psychopathic* Osteopaths out there, this delusioned Davy Snowdon practice is an Osteoarthritic paradise.**

Chronic Osteoarthritis = Chronic Pain & Disability = Reduced Life Quality

Here is a reminder of all the MSD strain and conditions this causes.

Left ankle outer ligament sprain … leading to ankle instability … and osteoarthritis.

Right achilles tendon strain … possible rupture … possible surgery … possible chronic pain.

*That’s a bit of a joke there. I mean the minority who want Patient numbers to be maxed out every day, meaning more people in pain for a higher revenue.

**If ever there was an oxymoron.

Right kneecap compression with right quadriceps (front of thigh muscles) overuse … knee osteoarthritis … inability to walk without pain.

Left hip ligament sprain … chronic groin pain …. ball and socket replacement by NHS Surgeon … chronic reliance on narcotic painkillers and liver rotting Naproxen.

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Forward bending (neck and spine) compressive forces through ‘Don’t Do Your Doughnuts’ … sciatica shooting pains down legs and shooting pains down arms … spinal surgery awaiting with generally only a couple of years of improvement.

As there is spinal forward bending the shoulders are nearly 90 degrees flexed. As a Clinical Osteopath, many people consulted me for Shoulder Rotator Cuff tendonitis (pictured with a tendon tear to the left). Davy’s self-proclaimed 'scientifically proven' pushing practice here is a Biomechanical Recipe for this painful condition.

With what I have beyond credibly stated above, remember BSc. (Hons) Osteopathy to my name, and not MBE* … look at the below paragraph from the Pristine Condition website.


‘Our flexible approach, derived from an in-depth understanding of the mechanics of weight lifting at an Olympic level, reduces pressure on the body when carrying out daily tasks and in turn increases efficiency.’


Does this pushing technique reduce pressure on your body? If this is the mechanics of weight lifting at an Olympic level, then let it stay on that stage, for the sake of all non-weightlifters.


So what is Optimal Pushing Practice**? … This.

*Musculoskeletal Bogusly Educated.

**This is of course a Team Push. Look at how their spines are upright and the feet are facing the direction of travel. Simple stuff. Commercials bins can weigh more than 1000kg, so Team Pushing and Pulling is taught with simple terminology so that the practical message sticks.

Of course, pushing any heavy load will create strain in your body, even with Optimal technique like I demonstrated in the above clips from our Manual Handling Training DVD.

The less manual pushing tasks you have in your Business and the more machines or equipment that does it … then that will reduce pressure on the body.

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This man is on his way to the Pristine Condition Head Office where the Pristine Company Chauffeur is waiting to pick him up from the airport. On his laptop* he read through the following website offerings, hence the use of the bag.


*Remember overuse of Laptops will make you ‘Do Your Doughnut.’

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Remember, only one (as you saw in Part 1) of the Pristine Team is a Health and Safety Professional, Andrew T. Davy Snowdon is a PE Teacher, with only MBE after his name, with a Team of Ex-Military ‘Consultants.’ The banner above should read … Andrew T with a realistic approach making a difference* in your industry.

*Significant has been removed as you can’t expect to make a significant difference as a One Man Band, can you?

That’s a confident guarantee … 50% reduction … especially when you are teaching people Manual Handling negligence. Actually, it’s more like a crazy guarantee i.e. straitjacket at the ready. I hope that Pristine haven’t branched out into Moving & Handling of People Training teach the above kind of People Handling. You can check out our Expertise in Moving & Handling of People here.

‘… as your staff exchange old, ineffective habits for new, efficient ones.’

This statement was the one that made the man on the plane vomit. Efficient?! … here (to the right) Davy teaches biomechanical in-efficiency to this poor* Woman working at an Airport. Her right foot turned out (knee & hip strain). Insufficient squat. Spinal twist ... yes spinal twist to the left. Standing too far from load. Yes, an awkward task, that Davy awkwardly** teaches. 

*My use of poor is not that she works at an Airport; that would be cool seeing all those planes. No, I mean she is poorer as her Employer has selected Davy Snowdon as her Manual Handling Teacher. Davy’s expression rather looks like … ‘How could she handle that safer? It must be more than 'Use Your Geordie Rockets' … must be?!’

**Awkwardly ... as he is clueless to how she should use her body. This photo is on their website! Can you believe it?

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Can those Olympic Weightlifting Techniques be withdrawn from industry …. for the first time? In Part 5 of this Blog you will see me in the Gym performing these Olympic Weightlifting Techniques. 

‘Marketing allies’ … it’s just incredibly unprofessional, using the word marketing shows a lack of class and Professionalism. This basement level of professionalism isn’t a surprise, as only the Pristine Condition in-house Lawyer, yes in-house remember, Michael Roberts is Professionally Qualified. But then again, he is a Lawyer aka Legal Shark from Sorry! We're Closed.*

Ally definitionusing them for a purpose. Classic sociopathic actions.

The man on the plane just asked for another sick bag. I think he may have to pay for the cleaning of The Pristine Chauffeur's car. That wouldn't be a good start for a business relationship. Michael Roberts might start a Case in the Small Claims Court.

*Click the image of Mr. Sharkey, to read 'Beware the Legal Shark' from my 2022 published #HealthAndSafetyProfessionalDevelopment Book Sorry! We're Closed.

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In Marketing parlance, how can you make ‘over 25 years’ sound longer. You could times 25 by 365 and that would give you 9,125 days. That’s a lot of days. But does this make it sound longer in time? Dubious. How else could you make over 25 years sound longer?

Got it. You could include the word ‘century’. ‘For over a quarter of a century’. Now that fits with the Pristine marketing model of dressing it up.

‘partnering’ … more marketing tripe. Moreover, they have procured your services. Google defines a business ‘partnership’ as a legal agreement between two or more entities that determines shared ownership and operation of a business. A partnership may be between two people, two businesses, or shared among any number of people and organizations.

‘innovative SMEs’ …. No names listed. Remember, an SME means Small Medium Enterprise i.e. a small Business with well under 50 employees, like Pristine Condition.

‘global listed corporations’ … more making one sound better than we are. In 2010, our second Business Contract was with Smurfit Kappa* … I really want to say it … buuttttttt … oh ok, THEY* ARE GLOBALLY LISTED!! I feel better about myself now.

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‘great’ … does this add Credibility? Physical Therapist Instructors would give credibility. Instructors that clinically treat musculoskeletal disorders … that’s great.

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‘continuously introduce new strategies’ … Manual Handling is not rocket science. Let’s not make it out to be something … it is NOT.


‘Always bringing something new to the table’.  These are aimed at the gullible, who believe EVERYTHING they read.

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‘We design programs' ... No design is needed. It’s very simple. Teach people Optimal Manual Handling Techniques in their real working environments. The environment has already been designed, in fact it’s reality. So Pristine Condition don’t do any design, and they certainly don’t teach Optimal Manual Handling Techniques.

‘Phenomenal results’ ... Remember back to Part 2 where we both brainstormed many separate factors that could contribute to reductions in Manual Handling Lost Time Accidents.


After reading this Blog, please feel free to check out our website pages. Do you see the use of these self aggrandising words like ‘phenomenal’‘great’ …. ‘unprecedented’? No is the answer. We just use Professionalism. Some reading this will say ‘How is this Blog professional?’ and my answer would be ‘It’s 27 years too late, check out that The Ugliest pushing practice in Part 1. This Blog is a force for good.’

As we know Pristine Condition ‘pride themselves’ on the ‘unprecedented’ Manual Handling results ‘they’ get. When you construct a website on this subject you would think you would want to showcase to your audience Optimal Handling techniques. Let’s look at each photo below.

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Top Left

Davy Snowdon is performing a twist to the left in a low squatting position. Hardly a ‘scientifically proven*’ technique there Davy?

Middle Top

Davy shows us how to climb up steps into a lorry cabin. Let’s hope that isn’t covered in their ‘common sense’ style during their Manual Handling Courses.

Top Right

Davy’s practising climbing.

Bottom Left

It looks as though some guy is awkwardly carrying an inanimate load down steps in a factory. The size of the guy is about a 30th of the size of the photo. The carrying looks like he is holding the load away from the body, with a forward bent spinal position … hang on he is carrying a load down stairs … where’s the 3 points of contact. Not a ‘great’ example of Manual Handling.

Bottom Middle

Davy ‘making love’ with the camera, just standing and talking. Note the awkward standing stance.

Bottom Right

Described in The Ugly, Parts 1 and 2. Enough said.

How would you describe these website photos? A lack of substance?

*Recall their ownership of their scientifically proven principles.

Now compare 6 photos from our website. Real substance here. In Catchphrase Roy Walker's words ...


'Say what you see!'

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Back to the Condition that's Pristine ...

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Instead of providing the MP4 Video they have a log-in area. This has business costs which will be passed onto the Client. This, I suspect is the way they charge their ‘valued’ Clients each year in their ‘License Agreement’ to use the Video they have already paid for. Don’t forget, a Video with negligent biomechanics of Manual Handling technique. Not as pristine as you are led to believe, right?

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‘Heart and the Hip’ … and … ‘believable moments’.

It almost sounds like a Hollywood Romance Film it is so poetic.

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Normally you would put a person’s name and job title after an ‘Interesting, engaging and extremely well presented’ review.

Marketing 'faux pas'

In Marketing Expert Robert Rosenthal’s (pictured to the right) Book Optimarketing: Marketing Optimization to Electrify Your Business Robert writes the following ...

'' Many websites look similar. Many similarly lack credibility. They resemble the salesman you don't feel you can trust. Headlines aren't believable. Clichés abound. Testimonials lack a last name and, as a result, are perceived as fiction. They try readers' patience. ''

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‘Anywhere in the World’ … there’s the global again from the Small Medium Enterprise.

The sentence highlighted in blue. What does this actually mean? Your guess is as good as mine.

A video they can produce in ‘hours’, providing an ‘immediate solution’. If this is a Bespoke Video, then it will take longer than a few hours, won’t it. Remember Robert Rosenthal's words ... 'Headlines aren't believable. They resemble the salesman you don't feel you can trust.' Indeed they do Robert.

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‘On the hip’ …

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Some more Pristine Condition website onsite photos. Any substance? In the far left there should be a speech bubble for Davy saying ''Look how great I am?''

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Remember, as of writing this there is only 1 Qualified Health & Safety Professional within the Pristine Condition Team.


Not even PE Teacher Davy Snowdon. Only 1. A single person. 1 brain*.

Therefore am I right to say they are technically a Health & Safety ‘Jack of All Trades’ 1 Man Band?

*I know that’s a strange thing to say, but it evoked a reaction?!

Essay 10 - Recognise Experts from the Jack of All Trades
00:00 / 09:58

There is so much text repetition of the same old shit. If you have viewed their website, as they are ‘One Trick Ponies’ coupled with a One Man Band Health & Safety ‘Jack of All Trades’ bolt on; it is the continual bullshit of ‘unprecedented’ ‘scientifically proven principles’‘Buy in’ … and now … ‘New strategies’ ‘Always bringing something new to the table’ ….


There are so many sentences that are written in a way where they try to make out they are clever, when in fact the sentences mean nonsense.

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The Rocket Scientist Analogy
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Manual Handling Training isn’t Rocket Science. 


And Davy Snowdon ain’t NO Rocket Scientist.


Where are the Blogs written by Davy Snowdon? I will save you the effort in searching. They don't exist. Intelligent people write insightful, creative and educational Blogs. Pristine Condition have zero Blogs.

Business Directors write Books. Where is Davy’s Industry MSD Risk Management Book? It doesn’t exist. It never will … as he should stay in his Olympic 'Train Weightlifters' lane'' Davy ... go write a Personal Training Book … it will sell … because that is YOUR lane.''

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Where’s the substance in this TRACA Application? From what you have seen, is this TRACA Application believable?

If you have used this TRACA Application and benefited, put me in my darn place and tell me what benefits you have got from using it. Message me on LinkedIn.

If you have used this TRACA Application and think it is a load of rubbish, message me your thoughts on LinkedIn also.

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‘pioneering’ … you know my thoughts by now with use of words like that.

It’s interesting how Experienced Health & Safety Professionals who never needed the PND antidote, describe them as ‘Cowboys’ and ‘One Trick Ponies’ but Davy Snowdon describes their programmes as ‘pioneering’. 


A Pioneer is defined asdevelop or be the first to use or apply (a new method, area of knowledge, or activity).

If Pristine Condition were true ‘World Leading’ Pioneers, they wouldn’t have under 25 employees*.


*Remember how many they state on LinkedIn as detailed in Part 1.

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'Pristine Condition and Davy Snowdon are Cowboys!'

You are currently towards the end of Part 3 of this 5 Part Pristine Condition super series. Therefore you are most likely ‘with me’ by now.

But if you are offended by ''NOT as Pristine as YOU are Led to Believe'', with this of course you have used Pristine Condition and dealt with Davy Snowdon; why are you offended? Davy’s not your Friend. He’s not family. What do you owe him? You only came across of him because of your work. He doesn’t care about you. He only cares about the emotional benefits you give his ego; the money you make him, so he can turn up at your Head Office in a ‘Look at me, I have a £100,000 Range Rover. I’m amazing, doesn’t everybody want to be Me, and have an MBE* … like nobody else has had success in life.

If you are offended it could be more personal though, couldn’t it? You may feel I am questioning your Professional integrity. I am not. Many have been fooled by the Pristine Marketing Machine over the last 27 years. If you have too, don’t be so hard on yourself. But now, time is for change. Change to a Business that teaches Optimal Handling Techniques. Change to a Business that recognises they are only part of the reduce MSDs picture. A Business that has the complete MSD Risk Management Products and Services … Solutions of the Osteopathic kind.

*Most Biggest Ego.

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‘Market leading safety observation software.’

Don’t you find they lead at everything? When I source Experts to support my Business, after having seen this type of marketing, I am very wary when I come across websites that self-aggrandise.

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‘The Ultimate Solution for Proactive Safety Management.’

Ultimate definition …. being the best or most extreme example of its kind.

Watching this drab Explainer Video … do you think this product has any substance? Maybe you use it and it does offer value. From its key features, I wonder though if actually any productive work would be done in using all its ‘market leading’ features. I personally think that market is the ‘Bullshit* Market.’

*A bit like Davy Snowdon’s Advanced Anatomy & Physiology Certificate from The UK Home Office in 1986.

Everybody’s going on about AI these days aren’t they. To be honest, it’s getting quite boring how Business Leaders are AI name dropping, when they haven’t got a f*ck what it's about. No surprise Davy Snowdon is joining the bandwagon. We all wait with bated breath for the Pristine ‘cutting-edge Next-Gen’ AI App.


It should more like be branded as ‘Anatomical Incompetence.’ What with Snowdon’s anatomical incompetence in Lifting Practice showcased in this Blog, AND the absolute, OMG, horrific pushing practice as CORRECT practice, you remember this one (shown again below); perhaps the UK Home Office Advanced Anatomy and Physiology Certificate Davy claims ….. sorry fabricates to have attained in 1986 isn’t worth … well any more than the paper it’s printed on.


As Pristine Condition no longer* provide Manual Handling Risk Assessments for THEIR** Clients (a simple service to supply if you are a Manual Handling Expert), don’t you wonder if they are NOT Experts in Manual Handling Risk Assessments, then what quality and value is this ‘Anatomical*** Incompetence’ App?

*Through our intelligence with Group Health & Safety Directors who have informed us Pristine’s reports just stated what Manual Handling tasks you have and what they entail and NOT realistic MSD Risk Reduction Solutions …. just the application of ‘Use Your Big Engines’ for everything Manual Handling task you have. ‘Use Your Big Engines’ …. ‘Use Your Big Engines’ …. go on allow me one more time ‘Use Your Big Engines.’

**MBE talks about HIS clients as though he owns them. Another display of his entitled personality.

***Anatomy and (especially) Physiology have advanced since 1986, quite a lot in fact.

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From their Testimonials website page we see ...

‘Scientifically validated techniques.’

The Bullshit Meter’s back. That's 2 times in 3 paragraphs. It getting rather smelly.


‘top-tier Manual Handling and Health & Safety Training programmes’

‘Top-tier’ is defined as Top level, top rank, top standing. Elite.


‘Commitment to excellence’

Yet, there is zero commitment to becoming an MSD Expert. This would be by becoming an Osteopath, a Chiropractor or a Physiotherapist. This would then allow for Manual Handling Risk Management Excellence.

Insurance Provider Collaborations

A number of years ago, we approached some well known Insurance Providers in Britain. I spoke to some key people and on a few occasions was informed ‘We would never endorse or recommend a Manual Handling Company’.

I am personally baffled how a Company to the standards of Pristine Condition has got these collaborations. It really does perplex me. A Company who is led by a PE Teacher with zero MSD Experts in their Team, and one that lies and fabricates about how amazing they are. With this, Pristinus Neurological Disorder (PND) is so infectious that (even though it is a disorder, and not a disease) even the Bw*nkers of Insurers have succumbed to their bullshit.

I do take my hat off to Davy Snowdon how he pulls it off. With such a low level of education he certainly is a charismatic manipulator.

The Sociopath & Anti-Social Personality Disorder
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In 2014, Bakkavor’s Group SHE Team chose us ahead of Pristine Condition to provide Manual Handling Instructor Courses nationally across their 20 factories.


As a reminder Davy Snowdon sent us a letter through his Solicitor accusing us of accessing their database and with this, demanding we pay £…..

The dots gap was for us to fill in how much we were going to pay them. I told him where to go.*

Fabricating for financial gain is a classic Sociopathic trait.


I put this behaviour to a Psychologist friend and his description of this personality was Anti-Social Personality Disorder, otherwise known as a Sociopath. Davy Snowdon and other Sociopaths display the following:


  • A tendency to intimidate and threaten in order to maintain control.

  • Dishonesty and deceit, including using false identities and manipulating others for personal gain.

  • Seem charming at first until their self-interest becomes clear.

  • Come across as arrogant or superior.

  • Aggressive or aggravated behavior, including frequent fights or physical conflict with others.

This Video with American Clinical Psychologist, Ramani Durvasula** is truly educational in this ever increasing Personality Disorder. A video all people should watch. Including Davy Snowdon, to raise his self-awareness.

But … be prepared before you watch it. Sociopathy (or Anti-Social Personality Disorder), which I hope you have never or will never come across in your personal relationships) is distinctly horrible.


*To the Cherry Tree Centre in Henley-On-Thames local to the Pristine Condition HQ.

Nice and convenient for a pop-in appointment.

**An Expert in her field. She has stayed in her lane.

If you have used ‘Pristine Services’ over the recent time or for many years, do you want to keep spending a lot of money with such a Cowboy Sociopath teaching such horrendously negligent Manual Handling techniques?

Do you?



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Part 4 ... The Rewarded Part


We view some of Pristine Condition’s financially rewarded Reviewers, who all display a complete lack of knowledge about Manual Handling Risk Management and who all suffer from Pristinus Neurological Disorder (PND), a condition which was first spread in 1997 by Davy Snowdon, whose antidote is ALL Parts of this insightful Blog post. We take a look at what products Pristine Condition market which consist ONLY of theirbranded hoodies & gym accessories.

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