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Sorry! We're Closed AudioBook ... Leverage Your Pay Rise!

Written by Gareth Milner & Recorded by Sean Antony

Written for Health, Safety & Wellbeing Professionals and Business Owners, Osteopath Gareth Milner puts his 17 years of Occupational Health & Manual Handling Risk Management Experience into Sorry! We're Closed. Through Real Life Business Trauma of Injury at Work Claim Payouts and an Expert Musculoskeletal Disorder (MSD) Risk Management Action Plan, Gareth presents a remarkable recipe for ensuring your Business stays open, profitable and not supplying that former Employee with a 5-Star, all inclusive holiday to the Maldives ... instead Leveraging Your Pay Rise!


  • Regret not managing MSD Risks within your Business?

  • Increasing Lost Time Accidents from MSDs affecting Business productivity?

  • Has your Business paid a former Employee £1000s for an Injury at Work Claim?

  • Unsure what an Expert MSD & Manual Handling Risk Management Programme looks like? 

  • Looking to climb the Corporate Ladder? A Group Health & Safety role, perhaps?

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Sorry! We're Closed will help you become an Expert in Manual Handling Risk Management aiming towards zero Manual Handling Lost Time Accidents and Injury at Work Claims helping to Leverage Business Growth and with that ... Leverage your Pay Rise!


We will be recording again in January 2025 to complete the AudioBook. 

About the Author Gareth Milner
00:00 / 02:19
00:00 / 15:45
True Stories of Business Regret - Story 3
00:00 / 06:56
Essay 1 - Educate Yourself about Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs)
00:00 / 10:57
Essay 2 - Take Manual Handing F@@KING Seriously
00:00 / 10:53
Essay 3 - Do a Branson!
00:00 / 05:25
Essay 4 - Beware the Legal Shark
00:00 / 10:29
Essay 5 - Beware the Malingerer
00:00 / 05:00
Essay 6 - Get All Managers on Board
00:00 / 08:17
Essay 7 - Morph into the Business Owner
00:00 / 07:54
Essay 8 - Complete this Questionnaire
00:00 / 06:10
Essay 9 - Do a Branson, again!
00:00 / 09:29
Essay 10 - Recognise Experts from the Jack of All Trades
00:00 / 09:58
True Stories of Business Regret - Story 7
00:00 / 07:56
Essay 11 - Train as a Bio-Mechanic
00:00 / 08:01
Essay 12 - Understand Hazardous Techniques
00:00 / 11:03
Essay 13 - Suffer a MSD, Yourself!
00:00 / 07:59
Essay 17 - Open your Eagle Eyes
00:00 / 09:04
Essay 21 - Champion your own Team
00:00 / 10:43
DigiTrain®. A Health & Safety Professional's Must Have
00:00 / 33:54
Brainstorm in Beige Pink Flat Graphic Style (1).jpg
Essay 22 - Teach Yourself to be a Teacher
00:00 / 09:54
Essay 23 - Go Compare!
00:00 / 07:03
Essay 24 - You Get What You Pay for
00:00 / 11:33
Essay 27 - Get Ready for Battle!
00:00 / 15:09
Essay 30 – Become a Film Director
00:00 / 09:41
Orange and Black 3D Marketing Comparison Infographic Instagram Post (5).jpg
Essay 32 - Programme Your Occupational Health
00:00 / 16:09
Essay 33 - Grow the Osteopathic Profession
00:00 / 19:04
Essay 35 - Call on Me ... Call on Me!
00:00 / 16:01
Essay 36 - Home in on Tasks
00:00 / 13:30
Essay 37 - Support their Lumbars
00:00 / 20:36
Essay 39 - Give a Happy Ending!
00:00 / 12:47
Essay 40 - Sign on the Dotted Line
00:00 / 08:13
Essay 49 - Do a Branson. OMG not again!
00:00 / 10:59

A message from the Author Gareth Milner

I have written Sorry! We’re Closed for Business Owners who make continual life sacrifices. Those Business Owners who bust a gut to make their Business profitable and positive for all involved.


I have written Sorry! We’re Closed for Health & Safety Professionals who are serious about lifelong learning. Those that want to sincerely help people. Those that have ambition for Professional development and a better salary.


But I have also written this Book to prevent normal people, who work hard in their employment, to go home with a body that doesn’t hurt. To go home with a body that will allow them to play their favourite sports or partake in their most loved hobbies. A lot of the time you need a pain and injury free body for this.


I wrote Sorry! We’re Closed as I have passion to rid the UK of musculoskeletal disorders, not just the ones that hurt a little now and then, but the ones that ruin lives. I should know. I had the misfortune of suffering a serious neck injury at 24 years old which ended my Osteopathy career when it had just started.


Of course Sorry! We’re Closed is a Business Book. However as I have written it with a solid dose of passion; have put my storytelling hat on, both fictional and true to my life; I teach you something new, well actually a lot of new; deliver Jaw-Dropping moments like in Tip 35 ‘Call on Me ... Call on Me!’; permeate with humour whilst delivering repeated Expert content … and with this Sorry! We’re Closed is a Book you can take to read in a coffee shop on a weekend morning (like Giovanni Bruno), at the park, on the plane to your holidays, in the sauna (well, maybe not?) … it is a Book that will entertain, make you laugh and educate at the same time.


Supported by Emma Farrell’s remarkable illustrations, I am confident we have delivered a Business Book, and not forgetting a past-time Book ... that is emotional, novel and memorable. Enjoy the read.’

Share a Review on LinkedIn of Sorry! We're Closed and you will then go into the hat for our Quarterly 'Win an Osteopathy Treatment' Competition.


The next Winner will be announced on the 1st October.

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